Saturday, August 30, 2008
[-An Impromptu Celebration-]
HAPPY 11TH, SWEETHEART!!hehehehe.. let me just start off with that first..we've been planning to go wild wild wet today...i have never been there before and since we have the promotional coupon, we decided to go today..we have to pay a promotional price of $8 instead of the usual $13.80..we tried to call up our frens, but most of them has their own we end up just de two of us..had breakfast first at afghan..not too sure how come that's our favourite brekkie place..we took 3 from afghan to downtown east..was queing to buy the tix when this uncle approach us and gave us this so-called coupon,where you only have to pay for 1 admission.. so instead of paying $8 each, we paid $'s just our luck on our month-sary~!we took 10 mins to decide where to place our belongings in de locker or not..
we end up not putting in in the locker, because it's a 1 time usage and that we can't be opening the locker when we want to..
cause we bought some tidbits, you see..
and we will keep going back and fourth to rest, not jut swim all de time ryte??
so find our spot which is located opposite of the Tsunami and relax for a while..
read our papers and just enjoying each other's company..
and we start our way to the syiok river, few rounds of it and then o the ular-lar..
syiok siol~!
it's alot like fantasy island but not dat much la..
it's been years since i went to this kind of pool attractions..
and having his company is just so nice~!
we make our way to Tsunami now..
and i signal love to go at t 1.8 m..
i was sitting comfortably at de float so i dun wery..
whereas love is a good swimmer..
i was asking him to sit on de float as well so that we keep floating together, ya know?
but he chose not too, and u wana know why???
he said, " I nak jage u."
i look into his eyes, speechless..
and moments later, the wave hit us~!
and we're like whoooaaaa, whoooooo, whooaaoaoaoa..
subsequently, we did de same routine all day long..
de syiok river, ular-lar, Tsunami..
we're not interested in the waterworks cause it's a 1 person ride..
and we just couldn't be apart! heheheheh...
few hours later, it started to rain..
perfect timing actually, since we're about to go off as well..
we're in de river wen it's drizzling, we made our exit..
brought over stuffs over to de shelter and bought hotdogs before we head de showers..
had dinner at sempang..
chill out while watching Man Utd (England) Vs FC Zenit (Russia)..
and after de game he send me home..
he received a call from ayah, they were from geylang otw to sempang..
so he had to u-turn back to sempang..
his fake tattoo..
yes i was a lil bit mad abt it..
he just love to see me w/o make-up..
Mr Yummy..
while at home, love called me and ask to check out the midnight show timing for Kallang Roar..
and ibu ask if i wanted to follow..
kesian ibu, i have to let her down again..s
he always ask me out wenver the fam hangs out..
he called me ryte after he reached home..
talked as usual and ehem-ehem...
you paham2 la eh sayang?
we were planning for our 12 months anniversary when suddenly he burst our laughing..
and so i ask why are you laughing?
he answered, "Happy 11 months, sayang!".
cause we actually forgot that it's our 11 months today..
selenge bacin la kite ni..
We're just meant to be together. PERIOD.
XoXo ♥ 11:08 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
[-A trip down to memory lane-]
love fetched me from werk..
took NEL from Dhoby Ghaut to Outram Park..
changed train to Paya Lebar..
i wore my new white wedges today..
and it's killing me!!
i thought i can take it but i can't and so i had to bought sandals..
you know those sandals that look like Birkenstock but is not?
yeah, for $29.90 and de design is nice but because of my legs i just had to buy..
and my leg looks horrible!
but it feels so nice after i slip on to my sandals..
we window shop at Tanjong Katong Complex..
we're still deciding on what colour to wear for this year..
wore turqoise green last year and so this wear we're still fickle-minded..
we stopped by the Teh Tarik Restaurant and had cheese pratas..
yum2 and we reminisce back our old times when we first met..
i remembered that i'm with leila, aishah, wany, nana, bul, mark, fir and azhar..
waiting for them at this particular shop at Joo Chiat Complex..
suddenly, i have de urge to turn around and there he was, wif his rugby mates..
happens that i knew one of his boys, Sham..
and from that moment on we're just a lil too excited over each other..
after dinner, we head down to Joo Chiat and everything is so different..
we u-turn to City Plaza, stopped by Kampong Melayu and bought DENGDENG!!
yes, they have started selling the DENGDENG!!
it's just our day la..
took 67 home and i lay my head on his arm throughout de journey.
at that time, i know i'm secured with him.
XoXo ♥ 10:59 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
[-Career or a Job?-]
this past week has been a hectic for me..
i'm doing recontracting cases as well as HIVR (urgent cases)..
and i got so many pending cases..
but luckily, they assigned me to do termination cases..
my favourite case to do!
i can finish up to 20 plus cases in a day..
that if i dun have any pending cases la!
luckily, i'm able to confide on my mom and Mr BF..
if i'm stress at work!
i can't wait to start my shift..
especially my mid-shift..
from 11.30am to 9 pm..
since coming this fasting month, i'm so lazy to wake up for sahur..
and so if mid-shift i can wake up a lil bit earlier, ya know?

can u find my name somewhere?
XoXo ♥ 11:59 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
[-This Time, He's Off to Batam!-]
please eh, people!
dun tink negatively ah!
not like those old crap men who went there for "pleasure".
if u know wat i mean..
apparently ayah's company, DNV is having family day at batam..
and Papa's (ibu's bro-in-law) company is ogranizing the event..
they're bringing along their golf sets to play golf there..
i've yet to learn to play golf..
we even discuss that if we have kids in de future, he wants our kids to excel in golf..
i argued that our kids shud excel in tennis..
but he disagree and said that tennis shub be playing for fun but career in golf!
suka hati u la, sayang..
so since we can't spend the weekends together,
and so he fetched me from werk yesterday and we head to VIVO (our usual spot)..
had dinner at Banquet before we window shop around..
bought two magazines from Page One..
actually i intended to buy a book since i have nothing to read now..
but was too engrossed at the magazine section..
and by the time we wanna proceed to de light read section it's quite late..
anyway, he's meeting his rugby mates at sempang
so i'm scared that he wun catch bus 10 if it passes 11pm..
so we moved out from there and took 65 home..
and we definitely missed taking long bus rides together..
i'm getting a new hair-do for this RAYE~!
XoXo ♥ 1:33 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008

I can't wait to spent a day and watch this~!
Just to distress myself.
XoXo ♥ 8:35 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
[-Can i go back to school again?-]
well, i've always hate monday.
always in Monday Blues like all de time..
starting last friday, i've been assigned to do recontract cases..
all this while, i've doing termination cases which i sooo looovee~!
terminating people's line can be fun!
but of course, if the customers sent for the termination la!
it's that i anyhow terminate the lines..
recontract can be very troublesome..
but sory, i can't explain further here..
company's policy, so sorry peeeps!
and today at about 10 plus, i have one customer who prays that one day i will be the CEO of StarHub.
and it's not even my 1 month of werk there..
dat means i'm doing something right?
but actually, i couldn't offer something that he wishes..
still, he keep on praising me..
and yes guys, he's trying his luck for me to give him that particular incentives.
whatever it is, i really hate to do recontract cases!!
boo is out with his rugby mates from a tennis game..
YES, tennis game..
yesterday he came over to my house to finish up his powerpoint presentation..
which he presented earlier at school..
he borrowed my tennis rackets cause apparently, his frens are fascinated by the tennis game..
thanks to my influencial of course!
okay, to boo's as well.. hahaha..
ouh well, just wana have a quick update..
i'm really kinda lazy to blog whenever i'm werking..
so yah..
oh ya!
i'm starting my shift on de 1st of Sep..
XoXo ♥ 8:18 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
[-Happy 43rd Burfdae, Singapore!-]
daddy got 4 tixs to watch de NDP at Padang..
we didn't get to watch it at de bay itself..
but it's okay..
cause we had a helluva fun at Padang as well!
now, i realised that i shoud buy my dad a red shirt.
met babyboy at Tampines platform..
thought of ordering pizzas but thinking of de waiting time..
and i wana get good seats..
we went over to Funan and bought KFC and Taco Bell..
luckily, when we arrived there, there's still lot of spaces up front..
and we sat on de red side of de Singapore flag..
settling down and enjoying our foods..
she sat in front of us.. she's just so adorable huh..
happy, happy singaporeans!
few hours later, it was drizzling.. and we quickly put on our ponco! kewl huh??
and then there were 12 of them..
and they're getting closer..
singing the national anthem, when the flag passes us by..
followed by the display of the F-16 Jets..
i love watching their remarkable formation..
making their u-turn..
this was magnificent! they're just inches to hitting each other..
and of course, when they make a heart-shaped in de air..
just a tester before the actual thing..
patriotic couple..
beautiful part of singapore..the moment we all have been waiting for! de fireworks!

we can't just go home wif all dat crowd ryte?
so daddy decided to have supper at Lau Pa Sat..
and then we took de cab home!
XoXo ♥ 2:54 PM