Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tanda Ikatan Persahabatan Kita.
The Best of 1 Year Together.
A ring is round, it turns forever and that's how long we'll be together.
"The rose that you gave me has faded and wilted away. But, the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever."
XoXo ♥ 11:50 PM
Monday, September 29, 2008
[-Manhattan Fish Market-]
the moment i have been waiting for..
to dine at MFM..
well, love had promised me to take me for dinner here..
since he said that it's a nice place to eat..
and today is definitely the day!
we actually planned to eat at Pizza Hut to celebrate our anniversary..
since that's where we ate on our first date..
but love said it's been fully booked so he went to MFM instead..
i was actually werking today..
so once, the clock strikes at 6.30, i quickly rushes to MFM..
it was my first time here, so i was a lil bit excited (which i know, there is nothing to be excited about)
but when it comes to food, I'M ALWAYS EXCITED!!
especially when i have never eaten there before..
Mr BF was already browsing thru the menu when i arrived..
i slip to the side to seat and we started to order..
i asked him for recommendations (ouh, he's good with his food!)
we placed our orders and we killed time to catch up with things..
we're sound like we're friends that have not met for so long..
and yes, it's been like what 5 days since we met?
frankly, i just couldn't bear not meeting for more than 2 days..
(i'm not sure how i am gona be, when he's gone for NS)..
maybe i should take up a job at his camp ah?
hahahaha.. alryte, i'm being nonsensical here..
few mins later, our orders arrived..
Cream Fish Pasta.i think that's the name..
Manhattan Seafood Platter for Two.
so sedap, siotz!!
why so glum, love??
tgu i suap ke?
after that, we went to bugis street...
love wanted to get some watches..
he bought me one as well.. with a Betty Boop picture in the middle..
bought slippers at Billabong, (not me, it's him)
so mat ah?
hahaaha.. his slippers broke so he has no choice but to buy that..
but, it's acutally nice, so wth..
took train to Paya Lebar..
walked around Bazaar Geylang..
bought some food, of course..
and we took cab back home..
Damn shagged la..
Where do all this people come from man?
So many people!!
XoXo ♥ 11:59 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
[-World's First F1 Night Race-]
as i'm blogging now, i'm watching F1..
while babyboy is actually there watchig it from there..
before you all get any more excited, he didn't get tix.
instead, he's actually on business there..
hahaha, i make it sound like he's into some corporate business ah?
well, his uncle made a proposition for him..
a proposition to work for his uncle's company..
the company is handling a project to sell the headsets for F1..
you know the headsets like Team Radio some sort.. (pandai2 je aku).
where you can hear the commentaries and it's multi-purpose as well.
you can plug it to your mp3/4 and even handphone.
so yeah.
i've actually wanted to blog about this to promote it to ya'all..
i apologize if i didn't promote it earlier, i was busy with werk.
and by the time, i get back, i couldn't be bothered to blog.
i was werking afternoon shift this past two weeks..
i'm rooting for Raikkonen to win!
and i have not been meeting my sayang, for so many days!!!!!!
Counting down to 12, love.
XoXo ♥ 9:17 PM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
[-Movie or Bowling?-]
happens to be my off day today!
sometimes, you gotta admit..
werking shift in Starhub is pretty kewl..
so, i met Mr BF ard 12 plus..
i bet you guys are wondering why the hell we went out so damn early..
it's because, i have to take my cookies which i ordered from my ex-colleague, who happens to take the time to meet me near her werking place which is at City Hall..
so after we met her, we as in i decided to go shopping for my shoes!!
walked in Charles & Keith at City Link..
and i was so in love with the shop..
one thing, i really admire the bags and shoes by C&K..
but the sho really blows me away..
it's so sophisticated, i must say..
and it is like so me!!
i have few pairs of shoes n bags in mind...
but i cant' seem to decide which one..
then, we went in to HMV.
another fave shop of mine..
took quite some time in there..
looking at those DVDs and ask "Have you watched this?" like almost to every dvd we picked up..
and i was like searching High and Low for Gossip Girl..
it seems that i can't find it and it really makes my blood boil..
cause i really wana buy the Gossip Girl DVDs..
moving on...
we were walkng aimlessly and found ourselves at Marina Square..
and i was asking him, "Nak tgk wayang tak?"
he ask wat movies showing now..
so, we walked up to cinema to check it out..
before that, we dropped by to John Little and tried some of the fragrances.
i tried this particular fragrance from Mango and let him smell me and he just go weak in the knees!
so, dat's my cue to get that perfume!!
we checked it out the shows and nothing interests us..
and so, we bowl!
*the pictures can be a lil bit blurry..
*my apology for those who has bad eyesight
looking back at his pins..
sorry hun, no strike for this time round.
i know..i look like a freaking dork..
my turn..
his turn..
we only play for one game each..
then we just window shop till 4 plus..
walked back to Suntec City and took 10 from there..
i thought the bus ride would be nearly 2 hours..
and it's not even close to hour and a half..
so in a way, we reach Sempang quite early..
Mr BF wanted to go Shop and Save..
wana stock up or groceries, stuffs for the baby and all..
hahaha, I'M KIDDING!!
though, i was close to buying pampers actually..
damn i can't wait..
anyway, by the time we finish browsing through all those aisles.
i end up buying Maggie Mee Asam Laksa.
and we sit down and place our order..
i was craving for Sausage Cabonara..
ard 6:45pm, my parents joined us..
i tell ya, we ordered a lot of food and drinks..
1 Sausage Cabonara
2 Mee Hong Kongs
1 Cheese Fries
3 Char Kway and 3 Tahu for Rojak Cina
2 Hot Tea
1 Horlicks Ice
1 Nescafe Ice
1 100 Plus
1 Coke
giler ryte!
this soon to be family is has big appetite!
few hours later, my parents went home..
we decided to rest for a lil while before we head back home...
dun be suprised, i am still hungry when i reached home..
maklumla, orang puase kan!
XoXo ♥ 10:08 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
[-My Ferst MC-]
surprised i'm blogging in this hour?
well, hope not..
i'm on mc today..
i have a tight throat and a lil bit of flu as well..
the disease has been spread by my mother, father and my colleagues as well..
i woke up with a heavy head..
i thought that i could be strong enough and just go to werk..
dun tink i can, though..
mommy brought to Adidah Clinic..
msgd my TL of my absence..
and here i am..
not gona blog any longer..
i need to rest now..
and i want my boyfriend with me..
XoXo ♥ 12:24 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
[-Let's Have A Talk, Shall We?-]
we've been planning today since last few weeks..
happens dat today & Sat are my off days..
Mr BF took off day today as well just to spend time wif me..
good man, he is yeah?
put ur pants back on, love.
anyway, we meet around 3 plus..
make our way to Parco..
do a lil of window shopping..
damn, i couldn't take my eyes of those shoes at Charles & Keith...
i feel like buying two, three pairs..
Mr BF so gona kill me!
he doesn't actually like me spending my money just like that..
but hey, we can't help it ah??
after that, we make our way to Tong Seng..
we're trying our luck if we can reserve a seat..
and thank god, we could!!
so we ordered our food and that head down to Bussorah St for more food!!
he bought ayam percik at one of de stall and it looks so delicious..
i told him that my ex always rent a shop there..
and he actually wanted me to buy the kuih from there...
his helper, who knew me, was working and so we went ahead..
he was utterly speechless when he saw me with mus as well..
we continued to buy the kuih from him and we left..
we head back to Parco, just walked around..
to Bugis Street then..
encountered a group of minahs which i seriously can't stand..
so we quickly get out of there and just head down to Tong Seng..
after buka, we train-ed to IKEA to buy my boxers for my room..
and we let our imaginations run wild..
on how our house gonna be like..
what kind of furniture that we prefer..
i tell ya, it's really funny shit..
cause we're soo not gona agree on each other's opinions..
saw Bik Z (mus's aunty) with Baby D and her nanny..
i got my boxers and we thought of going home..
"Nak gi Giant, jap?" I asked..
"Alryte, he said grab my hand for my safety and cross the road to Giant.
it's really big, la.. omg..
believed me, we're so tempted to buy lots of things!!
in de end, we bought Nutrisoy, Magnolia Chocolate and Rice Crackers..
and we took cab home..
we stop by for awhile, cause we're tired of walking already..
that is at the top of my list!
opps, caught red-handed!
Mr BF carrying Baby D..
i can't imagine you wif our kids, love!hell, i can't wait for that!!
a quick pic while running errands..
counting to days of that perfect, 1 year.
XoXo ♥ 11:59 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
[-Tribute To The Victims of September 11 attacks-]
before i blog on further:-
*a moment of silence for those who have been killed in the september 11 attacks..
that left many american citizens in total shock.*
May they Rest In Peace.
moving on with our lives....
today it's an exciting day for me..
well, i dunno about the gfs but it is for me!!
cause we get to meet up ever since graduation!!!
maybe it's a good thing that piee saw me that morning..
and from there, she planned about this outing..
since me n piee worked till 6:30..
it is all up to leila and deya to 'chop a place for us..
and they picked up LJS at Singapore Post, which i sooo wanted to eat..
so yeah..
met piee at Paya Lebar mrt station and ard 7 plus, which is already time to *buka*..
when we reached there, de gals have already queued up and so we took our place..
after dinner, we took our time chatting and gossiping cause apparently piee is having gastric and we are waiting for her to kewl off..
poor gal, puase kan??
then we made our way to the basement to run some errands..
for deya, dat is..
and slowly we make our way to de Bazaar..
bought some food for ourselves as well..
Leila got her raye baju already!!
i almost had it..
i need the opinions of boyfie and mommy..
so, it's gona hold for the moment..
we took cab home..
yes, CAB!!
mentang2 da keje eh!
but good thing also..
i lazy to take bus home..
in de lift @ Singapore Post..
near de food Bazaar waiting for the traffic light..
this is a nice pic of de gals from leila..
i was on de fone with Mr BF during this time..
in de cab home..
A Day Spent With The Sisterhood.
XoXo ♥ 11:50 PM
Saturday, September 6, 2008
[-My First Weekend Shift-]
argh, werking on saturday??
by the sound of it, it will just dampen ur mood huh?
but surprisingly, no..
i actually had a relaxing time werking today..
just few of us actually..
i get to know that this is how it always has been during weekends..
so peaceful and quiet..
just my luck, i have two kewl Team Leaders werking the same shift as me..
though, i had a disputive customer who requested for managerial call..
and another 35 recontract cases to handle..
i so hate to do recontract cases and from what i knew, everybody seems to be so jealous of me getting recontract cases..
which i soo hate to do!!
i prefer to do termination cases cause it's much more relaxing
even though, i agree it's a bit monotonous..
saying the same thing repetitively to all those customers..
maybe the reason they all like to handle recontract case is that every succesful recontract, u will earn $0.50 TAKA voucher for temps at least..
and god knows how cases i have closed for this past few weeks..
so yeah..
tomorrow is my off day..
a day to rest at home, cleaning up my room especially..
oh boy..
and i dun tink one day is enough..
watching Novak Djokovic [3] Vs Roger Federer [2] in de Semis..
Federer up 5 to 2 games..
hoping RafaeL Nadal [1] against Roger Federer [2] in de finals..
so yeah..
Mr BF is out with his family to geylang..
was really packed at de bazaar, furthermore it's raining..
wadaya expect? weekends so yah..
even some of de weekdays are full of people as well..
sometimes i just hate to go geylang on weekends..
partly not because of too many people walking around that sometimes it's just hard to shop..
it's just those mats and minahs that i seriously can't stand looking at..
or maybe i just used to see beautiful things, so yeah..
speaking of geylang..
i REALLY, REALLY, REALLY CAN'T WAIT to meet up wif my galfrens for buke puase!!
omg, it's been like what?
since graduation that we did not meet each other??
i just can't wait..
i utterly miss them so much..
and i keep on reminiscing those moments we had together in school..
we have already set up a date on this coming thursday..
ouh ya gals, where are we buke-ing at??
*cheeky smile*
XoXo ♥ 11:22 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
To all my Muslim Peeps,
Jgn puase yok yok eh?
XoXo ♥ 8:46 PM