Saturday, October 18, 2008
[-Selamat Pengantin Baru, Kak Sha!-]
so many events to attend to today..two open house and a love at tamp int..took 3 to nana's house (Mr BF's aunty), at pasir ris..but before that, we window shop at Whitesand first..of course a lil bit of nervous la..cause usually i'm more comfortable going out with his family..but this is like, his aunties, cuzzies and granny, ibu's maternal side..everyone was of course shocked that we went just the both of us..they were like asking him, "Where's ibu?"i told him to wait for ibu but he dun want to wait that he decided to go to nana's house and wait for them there..see, everybody like asking us, where's ibu?is she coming and all?it makes us as if that we're already married and that we live separately already..hahahaha..apparently, ibu, ayah and fatin had to attend another open house invited by ayah's fren..that is the why!hehehehe..Mr BF's fren, Harris invited us to an open house as well..but since we get caught up waiting for ibu, we didn't manage to, we had to go to nyai tingah's house just one level above nana's the time, it's already 6..we need to go to sha's wedding by 6:30 pm onwards..that's the proposed timing that she included in the email before she went for her wedding + honeymoon ayah send us at tamp int and we took 969 from there..drop at yishun mrt and walk straight ahead..when we arrived, most of my colleagues have already arrived..we're the last ones indeed..saw kak ayu and family, salam them all and then made our way to the tables..looking ard for that makcik najiha, went khalis approach us and show us their table..kesukaan u, bile jumpe diorang..ape lagi, we turned into Gossip Girls!!hahahahaha..had our so called dinner, love is full and he only eat a lil bit..the sweet and sour fish so nice!!apparently, sha took the same caterer and DJ as Kak ayu nad wani's wedding as well..then it's photo time followed by cutting of the cake..we aren't ready to go home, so we sit at the back, GOSSIPING!!
the bride and groom making their way to de dais..
bakal2 eh?insyallah...hehehehehe..
Gossip girls..
Raine (far right), went home shortly..
"macam pengantin baru la" - Rukiya.
at ard 10 plus, we head home..
at yishun mrt, took 969 to woodlands mrt then we take 168 home..
padehal, kat yishun bole amek 969 terus eh?
hahahaha.. biarla! we just wana enjoy some time together..
tapi balik, mak bising ah, korang due ni, da takde keje lain nak buat eh?
gi la kahwin cepat2! pening tau kepala aku!
sorry la mother!
XoXo ♥ 11:48 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
[-Hantar rombongan nak masuk meminang ke?-]
back to werk today..
i took 1 day leave on the 2nd day of raye.
but end up staying the whole day at home..
cause my parents had to get back to werk already..
but at least, i get to rest for raye..
so today, is another werking day..
and thankfully, i'm on Mobile CED Calls duty..
Incoming Calls for contract end date, to be exact..
and the whole 8.5 hours, i only have to pick up 5 calls..
so relaxing ah??
thought of asking daddy to fetch me from work, since he said that he get to release early..
but when i called him, he's still at werk..
instead i went home with fara and erfa..
i had to rush home early and help mommy to cook..
cause, my future in-laws are coming..
itu la, i excited sangat ni..
by the time i reached home, it was already 7:45..
so i quickly help mommy with the plates and the glasses..
exactly 10pm, love msged:-
"Warning! Warning! 3 cars coming. Lagi bout 15 min sampai."
i was damn shocked la!!
cause we were expecting his family..
skali datang 3 family.... Kau tak terperanjat ke??
so i told mommy that his aunty's family as well as uncle's family is coming over..
and my mom was like:-
"Haaaa! Ramai nye datang!! Hantar rombongan meminang ke?"
because previously, love was actually asking me, "Kalau ramai2 (as in his aunties and uncles) nak datang rumah u bole tak? Nak masuk meminang skali ah"
mommy was there when we were talking, then she replied, "Bagus jugak!"
of course she was joking la..
die blum lagi NS, abe nak kasi anak dara ni makan ape?
so i pun like da takut la eh..
skali betol2 mcm mane?? bukan nye tak nak..
abe, kite berdue blom sempat simpan duit..
kalau ye pun tak sabar, tgu la sampai die abes NS dulu kan?
like what he said, "Kalau tgh NS, pun bole nikah ape?"
haiz, kelakar seram btol la sayang aku ni..
i waited IMPATIENTLY for them..
i was like walking here and there...
make sure everything is just in shape and proper..
and about 10:30, they arrived..
so they took 30 mins to get here from Bedok South..
not 15 mins, like he predicted..
in my mind, i'm scared that my parents were be like shy and all with his aunties and uncles..
rupe2 nye, diorang yg rancak bebual..
especially, my dad and ayah... fuh! punye la byk story diorang ni..
and mommy keep on laughing at ayah's jokes..
love helped us in the kitchen, a lil bit before we all proceed to the hall..
they stayed at about 1 hour plus.. since our house is the last house..
then when ibu sound that they are going home, daddy quickly set up his camera stand for us to take picture..
everyone has already taken position and pose, he still took some time to figure out the self-timer mode..
abe amek, bila kite blum ready?
but alhamdulilah, we managed to take a group photo of all us..
the future in-laws..
doa2 kan, kite cepat kahwin ye~!
XoXo ♥ 11:37 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
[-Selamat Hari Raye To All Muslims Around The World-]
enjoy looking at the pictures on the First Day of Raye.

"Muka macam pau dilayang, rambut ikal mayang."
XoXo ♥ 4:11 PM