XoXo ♥ 3:49 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I've changed my mind on the Blackberry Bold and i bought this instead!
on my pay day, which is the prawning day itself, we met mommy at tamp int since daddy is at TM..
luckily, wen we arrived, daddy has already queued up, cause the que is freaking long la!
and that poor boy, duno anything and just que up...
hehehehe.. ape la u sayang..
the staff was having her break, since daddy told her that he is still waiting for me..
so daddy and i waiting at the counter, while love accompany mommy at the sofa..
in a few mins, the staff arrived and asked whether we have already make up our mind..
we asked almost all the phones that came to mind, Blackberry, I-Phone, HTC Touch Pro, SE Experia 1 and of course E71.
but at last, I get the Nokia E71 instead~!
after purchasing the phone, we went to have dinner at Food Culture..
the both of us are not feeling that well..
we caught flu on the same day..
so, daddy send him home while mommy and i took the bus home..
XoXo ♥ 9:40 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
[-There's always a first time in everything~!-]
wassup readers!!
miss me??
first of all, let me apologise for not been updating my blog often..
so preoccupied with work, family and him~!
i know it's kinda late but let me just wish all of you Happy New Year!!
so, 2009 huh??
ya'all made any resolutions for ya'self?
well, i have not..
dun planning to anyway..
sometimes u dun tend to achieve it..
so yeah.. wasting my time only..
anyway, on the 10th of Jan..
we got a lil adventurous and decided to go prawning..
this is ma first time, hearing abt this word.. [Prawning]..
check out the pics, ya'all~!
this is where we put our prawns once we caught them..
ouh, erm, a quick pose for him.. =)
wat can i say? i love dogs!!
lucky me, he's willing to come close for a close up shot~!
self-timer. duh.
gently putting the bait on the hook..
who are u trying to shoot, love?
make up ur mind..
ouh yes, i've been working hard..
we caught one!he's trying to separate the pincers away..
caught the second one!
he looks like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey..
we caught the third and the last one~!hahaha..
we shud have caught more, but we're too stagnant a that particular place..
and when we get the chance to move ard, then we caught a few..
lying dead inside the plastic bag..
take a peak inside.. chiak~!
before we leave the place, we walk ahead to look at the fishes and other sea creatures..
look how adorable it is?
with these two kids, kepo-ing, really adds up the cuteness~!
on the 11th of jan..
we went out again...
for photography and Transporter 3..
Jason Statham, is effing hawt!!
he really makes me wana learn martial arts man!
XoXo ♥ 8:02 PM