Sunday, June 7, 2009
[-Visiting the Future-In-Laws at JB-]
his parents invited us to their house warming party plus a kenduri for him as he is enlisting into the National Service Force on the 16th of June 2009.jump into the opportunity for a short getaway and of course relaxation, baby!i took leave on sat since i'm having my off on friday night, after magrib, the four of us took the S'pore - JB Express bus from Queen Stwe get to experience entering JB via the new JB checkpointdamn, it's huge! at that point time, i thought i had mistaken it with KLIA..cause the interior deco and all, look pretty much like an aiport.wah, canggih seh JB!so we waited for Ayah at CIQ or ICQ or watever and we're off to their place.i've been there before, in case you all are wondering..this is my 2nd time and 1st for my parents..the 1st time i went alone w/o my parents, just chilling with his family..we arrived at 10:30pm, his two grandmothers are eh, my two grandmas passed away and now i have new two grandma-in-laws?awesome..changed into something comfortable..went down the 1st floor to help them prepare for tomorrow's usual, our mothers are busy in the kitchen whereas the rest at their dining room
the next day, we were super busy cooking and setting the living roomas guests are abt to arrive, my mom asked me to go up and changed to something nicesince this so-called party is for him, partially.i feel like we're getting engaged or something.. one by one, their guests arrived and one by one, she introduced me as his son's girlfriend.**WAY WAY big smile**
after all of the guests have arrived, we start the ceremony of having our doa's and all.and next came the food fiesta~!at abt 5 plus, ayah drove us to Jusco and Tescon to do some shopping of our ownwe came back via cab at abt 8 and dad are super dead-beat since they are the ones who do the they went up to bed early..the next minute, Mr BF told me he wana bring me ard, guess he thinks that i'm getting he took his dad Volvo and drive me ard the premises.we went to the clubhouse, which the pool really took my breath away!at that time, i feel like jumping in the pool man!so he took me back to the housebut then we went out again, this time, his two siblings and two cousins join in the ride.he drove us to 7-11 to get some ice-cream and i bought chewing gum and a magazine.the coolest thing is, from the look of the staff's faces, they thought that we're some kind of hooligans that may cause troublehahahaha.., drove up to the park, to chill and relax, and fart and listen to jokes..and hour later, we went back, bathe, settle into our comfort sleeping zone and watch Jangan Tegur.well, as some of you whom have watched the movie, the starting was way way efffing scaryafter that they started to get hungry, so me, Mr BF and his cousin, mimi have already watched it, we went to the back and fried some finger-foods and had ice-cream all and all, we slept at abt 2 plus..
i woke up by the smell of DURIANS!!but we didn't get to eat it.since we're in a hurry to get home..
since tomorrow, dad and i are called a cab for us to Larkin, did a bit of shopping and we took hired car that sent us to our doorstep..well, not literally doorstep la, at our flat. =)
that is the name of the place that his family staysAustin Heights.
we have arrived~!
on the stairs taking photo of mom and nyai..
i caught this collage of photographs of us in his room.
this cute lil fella is a SQUIRREL!! at a pet shop at Tesco.

ove in the hot-seat of his dad Volvo
the siblings and cousins eating our ice-cream~!so let me re-capped what i have bought for myself.
1. Shades.
2.Chewing Gum
3. Magazine
BABA, I WANA GO BANGKOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XoXo ♥ 4:21 PM